Highlights of our KS3 curriculum
At Callerton Academy, Year 7 students begin their maths journey by exploring term-to-term sequences culminating in an independent homework task where students can display their knowledge of linear, geometric and Fibonacci sequences.
In Year 8 students think like microbiologists, organic chemists and astrophysicists by studying standard form which is a tool that allows them to express both incredibly tiny and exceptionally large numbers in a simple consistent way.
One of the highlights of the Year 9 curriculum is the introduction of Pythagoras Theorem’s which elegantly links the lengths of right-angled triangles using square numbers. Real world applications of this theorem include construction and architecture.
Highlights of our KS4 curriculum
In Year 10, students will primarily study geometry. Within geometry we will study constructions, bearing, trigonometry and circles. As well as having practical applications in the physical world around us, these topics provide a bridge to the study of A Level mathematics. Number topics in Year 10 include a focus on financial maths involving percentage changes and interest rates. Within algebra the skills acquired in solving simultaneous equations are beneficial fundamental for advanced mathematicians.
As well as dedicated revision time to build student confidence ahead of GCSE exams, Year 11 aims to develop students mathematical reasoning. This takes the knowledge students have gained throughout their mathematical education and explores it in new contexts. Students will test their understanding by testing the validity of concepts they have met previously; this process will lead to students having a more robust comprehension of key maths concepts.
Extracurricular opportunities
Students have several extracurricular opportunities related to maths. Maths Club is a consistently popular offer during 7up. Maths Club involves a mix of recreational mathematics and problem solving. Alongside this, Newcastle University’s Maths PGCE students come to Callerton Academy each year to deliver small group activities based on our exciting curriculum to our Year 7 and Year 8 students. Newcastle University also offers a maths challenge activity to students at schools across the North East that our students can opt into. The uptake this year was very high, and we were very impressed that one of our Year 7 students received a certificate from the university for the quality of work they produced.
Where can Maths take me in the future?
The knowledge and skills gained in maths are useful for many A Level subjects. There are obvious examples like maths, further maths, statistics, accounting and economics. However, other subjects also have a significant maths element to them, including psychology, sociology, geography, design and technology to name a few. Maths is the most studied subject at A Level, it is requested for many university courses and also remains popular due to the challenge it provides. Maths students are widely recognised as being excellent problem solvers, strategisers and have highly prized numeracy skills.
Maths can lead to careers in finance, accountancy, engineering, science, teaching, computing, actuarial sciences and others.