At Callerton Academy we place a strong emphasis on reading and its value in preparing our young people for the future. We want our students to read for pleasure, whilst understanding that we also read to gain knowledge, ideas and inspiration.
In Year 7 and 8, students follow the Accelerated Reader programme which guides students with appropriate texts to read and focuses on providing students with reading material that is appropriate to their reading age and can support them to develop this. Students love the opportunity to engage with a wide range of books and the targeted quizzes both encourage enjoyment for reading, whilst also allowing students, teachers and parents/carers to measure progress. In Year 9, we continue Accelerated Reader with students who may still require some more support, however we have a real emphasis on independent selection of texts to encourage reading for pleasure and positive lifelong reading habits. In Years 7 to 9, all students are expected to read for a minimum of twenty minutes a night as part of their homework.