Teaching, learning, assessment and homework

Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Homework

This page outines our approach to teaching and learning and the important role that numeracy, literacy and reading play in your child's education.

You'll also find some helpful information on how we assess our student's work, our approach to teaching RSHE/RE in school and our graduated homework programme.

If you have any questions or would like to contact us about our curriculum, please email us at or call us on 0191 605 3835.
Teaching in the classroom

Teaching and Learning

Excellent teaching and learning enables students to reach their full potential. Our teaching and learning model focuses on students having:

• the highest standards in all they do
• expert technique in their subjects, and
• appropriate levels of challenge.

Our approach, centred on Quality First Teaching, ensures that we have the highest ambition for all our students regardless of their starting point or background.

Teaching and Learning Approach Diagram

Learning at Callerton Academy

Numeracy and Literacy

Callerton Academy recognises that the development of literacy and numeracy is essential to improving learning and raising attainment across the curriculum. We know that improving literacy and numeracy skills broadens students’ knowledge and experiences and facilitates independent learning.
Literacy skills allow students to explore the ways in which language works so that they can use this knowledge in a variety of contexts. The ability to read, write, speak and listen is an integral part of the learning process, coupled with being an important skill for life.
We use numeracy in every aspect of our lives at work and in practical everyday activities at home and beyond. Numeracy skills help students to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
All staff at Callerton Academy are involved in raising students' literacy and numeracy skills.
The importance of reading at Callerton Academy


At Callerton Academy we place a strong emphasis on reading and its value in preparing our young people for the future. We want our students to read for pleasure, whilst understanding that we also read to gain knowledge, ideas and inspiration.
In Year 7 and 8, students follow the Accelerated Reader programme which guides students with appropriate texts to read and focuses on providing students with reading material that is appropriate to their reading age and can support them to develop this. Students love the opportunity to engage with a wide range of books and the targeted quizzes both encourage enjoyment for reading, whilst also allowing students, teachers and parents/carers to measure progress. In Year 9, we continue Accelerated Reader with students who may still require some more support, however we have a real emphasis on independent selection of texts to encourage reading for pleasure and positive lifelong reading habits. In Years 7 to 9, all students are expected to read for a minimum of twenty minutes a night as part of their homework.
The importance of reading at Callerton Academy
To further embed reading into school life, we also have a dedicated reading period a week as part of our whole school read. Each year group has a novel they will read over the course of a term; this is used as a springboard to encourage discussion and embed into our whole school through the curriculum and different extracurricular activities. We were delighted to have, for example, Malcolm Duffy visit Callerton Academy to talk about his novel ‘Me Mam. Me Dad. Me’ which all our Year 8 students read in the Spring term. This coupled, with reading lessons in English, mean that there are ample opportunities to read and discuss books.
Aside from reading for pleasure, we also encourage students to experience academic literature through textbooks and other sources in lessons. From Year 9 onwards, a key part of homework requires students to embrace academic reading and embed this into their work. We believe every teacher is a teacher of reading and that every member of staff should share what they have been reading so that our students are able to see it modelled clearly to them.
PSHE/RSE Thumbnail


RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) is taught within the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education curriculum at Callerton Academy. Biological aspects of RSE are also taught within the Science curriculum, and other aspects are included in Religious Education (PRE) and Physical Education (PE). However, aspects of RSE may be covered in almost all subject areas and all teachers will be trained to be able to address questions that students may have in an age-appropriate manner that is compliant with our policy.
The delivery of RSE is focused on providing students with information about how to develop healthy and positive relationships. It seeks to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their own home circumstances to ensure it is inclusive for all, whilst also ensuring it is sensitive to the fact that some children with have different support structures around them.
How we assess our student's work


Assessment is a vital part of the learning process and part of our culture of high expectations that supports the potential of every student at Callerton Academy. It should provide high quality feedback to students enabling them to make rapid and sustained progress, as well as being an effective way to support teachers with their lesson planning so they can target learning opportunities.
At the start of each unit of work, all students are given a learning journey which outlines the skills and knowledge they will develop in the unit of work, key vocabulary they will encounter and the assessment(s) they will need to complete. Teachers refer to the learning journeys throughout the unit of work to support students in being successful, as well as encouraging them to actively engage with and take responsibility for their progress over time. Learning Journeys for each subject can be found in students’ exercise books or are displayed in classrooms for more practical subjects.
Callerton Academy

Homework help

We believe that homework is an important way to encourage students to be independent and to help raise aspirations. We have designed a graduated homework programme from Year 7 to ensure that we ease students into positive homework habits. Homework support is provided to students who may need it and communication home is made to ensure that parents, our app and carers can support their child.
We think it is really important to celebrate homework success and make this a key part of our rewards system.