Highlights of our KS3 curriculum
Some of the highlights our students will experience in Music in Year 7 to 9 are:
All pupils will have the opportunity to learn how to perform on a range of instruments including the keyboard, guitar, drum kit and ukulele. By Year 9 pupils will be able to choose an instrument to specialise in and will focus on building up their skill set with that chosen instrument, so that they have the knowledge and tools to continue rehearsing music outside of the classroom.
We will listen to and analyse a wide variety of music from a wide selection of genres, composers and time periods. Pupils will learn to love and appreciate (to name only a few) concertos by Vivaldi, rock ballads by Metallica and soundtracks from computer games.
Pupils will have the chance to learn how to be an expert in music production and how to use their computers to compose electronic dance music. All the software we use is internet based, which means pupils can carry on using this software wherever they can get an internet connection!
Everyone will become experts in composition and learn how to write exciting melodies and matching harmonies. Pupils will be able to notate their music so they can perform them in years to come
Highlights of our KS4 curriculum
Some of the highlights our students will experience in Music in Year 10 and 11 are:
In GCSE music 30% of pupil’s overall mark will be on performance. This can be on any instrument and any song of your choice. This means that pupils will have the opportunity to pick an instrument they feel passionate about and spend time becoming experts in it.
Another 30% of pupil’s overall mark will be based on music composition. As such pupils will learn how to write their own music to a very high quality. They will have the freedom to decide what music they write and for what choice of instruments.
Pupils will get the opportunity to explore in detail a wide range of music as part of the music curriculum. For example, they will analyse rock songs by Queen, film scores by John Williams, musical smash hits by Stephen Schwartz and amazing piano solos by Beethoven.
Extracurricular opportunities
There are lots of extra-curricular opportunities in music at Callerton Academy and we are always looking for new ways to explore music with our pupils. There will be opportunities to sing as part of a choir, join an orchestra, have lessons on guitars and drums and perform in front of a live audience.
We also do a lot of work with New Writing North so pupils will have the opportunity to work with professional musicians and learn how to write songs or even create their own raps.
Where can music take me in the future?
People often make a mistake when considering where music can take them in the future. There are the more obvious routes within working for the music industry with jobs such as a performer, sound technician or venue manager but music can be a very powerful addition to pupil’s list of success when applying for further education routes as well. Top universities highly regard music as a subject due to the fact it shows that pupils can apply themselves in both academic and creative ways. Music does not limit people to just being musicians but opens a lot of other doors into careers you would not necessarily expect.
Please take the time to read our curriculum overview, assessment and feedback information and learning journeys for each topic.