Highlights of our KS3 curriculum
In Year 7 we begin our curriculum journey by exploring the Art of Storytelling. We introduce students to some of the most famous stories told within Greek Mythology and explore the concept of ‘hero and villain’ by identifying key characteristics and traits within the Greek Gods. Students then discover how Greek mythology has influenced many famous modern works of literature and use this inspiration to create and craft their own mythical villain.
In Year 8, we begin by exploring the world of Gothic literature and our students love reading the famous tale of everyone’s favourite vampire: Dracula. We explore gothic conventions and use these to inspire our own writing, before moving on to explore the world of tragedy in the most famous love story of all time: Romeo and Juliet.
Our Year 9 curriculum is strongly focused on themes of identity and culture. In our ‘Celebrating Diversity’ unit, students feel inspired by literature that celebrates a wide range of cultures and underrepresented voices. Within this unit students tackle topics such as marginalistion and discrimination, with a specific focus on gender and ethnicity. This has direct links to their study of tolerance and conflict in RE and suffrage and slavery in History.
Students then have the opportunity to express and challenge ideas and views in their transactional writing unit, where they write and deliver a speech on a topic matter they feel passionate about.
Highlights of our KS4 curriculum
In Year 10 and 11, students will be exposed to a breadth of inspiring and thought-provoking texts. They will explore issues of social injustice and morality in J. B. Priestley’s drama, An Inspector Calls and Charles Dickens’ novella, A Christmas Carol. Both texts were hugely influential of their time and shaped societal attitudes and behaviours. Students will further study the tyrannical reign of Macbeth, building on their vast existing knowledge of Shakespeare, established in KS3.
The study of English language will enhance students’ ability to read, understand, analyse and evaluate fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will be exposed to a range of extracts from a variety writers and time periods, and they will explore how language and structure impacts and effects a reader emotionally. They will then transfer this knowledge and skill to their own creative and transactional writing. Students oracy will further be developed through speaking and listening exercises where students will confidently use their voices to empower themselves and those around them.
Extracurricular opportunities
At Callerton we offer a wide range of opportunities for students to further develop their skills and interests in English and reading.
For our students who want to enhance their writing skills, we offer Creative Writing as part of our 7Up extra-curricular program. Here, students develop their craft of writing in a range of genres from dystopian fiction to childhood fairytales, to poetry and students are encouraged to enter their pieces in national and local writing competitions. Students have also been fortunate to work with published authors in the past, who have provided our students with an insight into the world of being a professional writer and delivered great top tips on how to make their own writing publisher worthy.
For our students who want to be more vocal about their ideas, we also run a Debate Club. This extra-curricular option teaches students the art of arguing: how to form clear and well developed arguments and debate respectfully within teams, or against each other. Students debate on a range of current topics they feel passionate about.
And for those students who like to get lost in a good book, we also have a Callerton Book Club, where students either choose a book to read and discuss as a group each week, or use this time to explore the library and the wonderful books it has to offer.
Where can English take me in the future?
Through both the study of English Literature and Language, students learn how to express themselves confidently, clearly and accurately which is fundamental for any job role or future education pathway.
The knowledge content students will have been exposed to at Callerton, and the skills they have acquired can be developed further through A-Levels and Degree. Students who choose to further study English Literature or Language may have successful careers in areas such as editing, marketing, publishing, teaching, journalism, advertising; it even opens doors into the world of television, theatre, film and media.
Please take the time to read our curriculum overview, assessment and feedback information and learning journeys for each topic.