
Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs

The Learning Support Team at Callerton Academy are fully inclusive and aim to help every student to reach their full potential.

We believe in an ethos where pupils of all backgrounds and cultures are welcomed and valued; where they are supported, effectively, to achieve highly.

We understand that we are the gateway to our pupils’ futures and we aim to develop them into independent and analytical learners.

We know that reading underpins achievement across the curriculum, therefore we place high value on this. We believe that by developing a love of, and fluency in, reading, in our students, we are giving them the highest possible chance of success in later life.

We understand that some students may require additional educational and pastoral support, and we provide this with thought and precision, reviewing regularly, to ensure our students make the best possible progress. Quality First Teaching underpins everything that we do. We know that with this in place our students will make the best possible progress during their time with us.

Other documentation, such as our SEN & Disability Policy, SEN Information Report and Accessibility Plan are listed below and can also be found in the Policies section of our website.

If you would like further information on the SEND provision at Callerton Academy please email and address your email FAO: SENDCO, Miss Sylvia Robinson.

Meet our SEN team.

CYPS Advice Booklet