
Section 10 Consultation

Have your say

As part of the process of opening a new school, Gosforth Group is legally required to hold a consultation exercise, under Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010, to determine whether the Trust should enter into a Funding Agreement with the Department for Education. 

This consultation will allow parents/ carers and pupils, staff and governors from local schools, local authorities, councillors, local residents and any other interested parties to learn more about Gosforth Group’s plans for our two new schools and share their views. 

The consultation period will run from 9 November 2020 to 7 December 2020.  As a result of current COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to offer any public events.  Instead we will be providing opportunity for you to submit your questions or comments to us safely through an online line messaging facility.  We will also be gathering views via online surveys.