In Key Stage 3, pupils progress from block-based programming languages to text based languages, primarily working in Python. We combine programming with a range of devices, technologies and contexts, such as 3D printing, and digital music production to create a broad curriculum, encompassing Computer Science, ICT and Digital Literacy. By exploring elements of Computer Science such as sorting and searching algorithms and binary and hexadecimals, we aim to give our pupils a solid grounding in these concepts that will prepare them for Key Stage 4. Use of Raspberry Pi computers, 3D printers and Android devices give pupils experience of a range of devices and operating systems that will help them deal with future technologies they may encounter.
The computing curriculum enables pupils to realise that, by understanding more about how computers work, they can make computers do more. In Key Stage 3, pupils make strong progress in using text based programming languages. The vast majority of pupils start with no knowledge of text based programming, but leave us able to write programs in a range of contexts on different devices. Using devices that pupils may not otherwise see, such as the Raspberry Pi challenges concepts of what a computer is and physical computing such as building remote controlled vehicles challenges ideas of what a computer does, leaving pupils with a more rounded understanding of how computers permeate our everyday lives.