
Callerton Academy's weekly round up - w/c 1st May 2023

Date Published:
Friday 05 May 2023

Congratulations to 7B & 8A for winning this week's form class reading totals!

Reading totals

Year 8's latest homework is Science and Design Technology. The homework tasks will be issued in your Science lesson on Thursday 4th May. The halfway check-in review lesson will be on 11th May and the hand-in date is 18th March. Here's a sneak peek at the tasks but we have a helpful brochure that accompanies this homework (click to view below).

We had such quality homework, and it was incredibly difficult to choose just 10 winners! Well done Year 7 Homework Winners

Science and DT Homework Tasks and Guide

Art homework winners

In English we have had an introduction to the Montagues and Capulets. We’ve been using character profiles to draw family trees to help us when reading Romeo and Juliet.

English lesson
English lessons