
Callerton Academy's weekly round up - w/c 17th April

Date Published:
Monday 24 April 2023

We have enjoyed welcoming our students back to school following the Easter break and what a week it has been!

In this weekly round-up we are bringing you snippets from the following subjects: maths, PE and geography, as well as a homework feature...

8C have been mastering the art of expressing one number as the percentage of another without calculators in their Maths lessons this week.

  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy
  • Maths at Callerton Academy

7B & 7A enjoyed their first lesson of orienteering in their PE lesson today. They’ve been working as small teams to solve the map ready and everyone is loving learning this new skill!

  • PE at Callerton Academy
  • PE at Callerton Academy
  • PE at Callerton Academy
  • PE at Callerton Academy
  • PE at Callerton Academy
  • PE at Callerton Academy

8B making choropleth maps of Newcastle in Geography this week. Very accurate population distribution mapping to help us understand the best city in the world!

Geography at Callerton Academy

7Y have produced the most creative ideas for their homework tasks. Here we are discussing our design work with each other in this morning's lesson. The standard of homework is so high. Well done 7Y!

  • Discussing homework tasks
  • Discussing homework tasks
  • Discussing homework tasks
  • Discussing homework tasks
  • Discussing homework tasks
  • Discussing homework tasks