
Callerton Academy's weekly round up - w/c 20th March

Date Published:
Friday 24 March 2023

Congratulations to 8A & 7C for winning this week's reading totals.

As you can see below, there are some very impressive scores recorded. The totals represent the word count successfully read by each form class that week.

Can the other form classes beat them next week?

Keep reading everyone!

Reading Quizz

A huge well done to all our amazing RE Homework winners.

There were so many excellent pieces of work to choose from and we really loved showing off all the work in last week's lessons and we have shared a few wonderful examples for you below.

The winners completed a range of tasks. We received some super biographies of religious leaders, well researched information and creations of religious artefacts and some excellent informative letters.

  • RE Homework winners
  • RE Homework
  • RE Homework
  • RE Homework 3
  • RE Homework winners
  • RE Homework
  • RE Homework
  • RE Homework 3

This week, 7A and 7B enjoyed a trip to the Eagles for a basketball session. We have some team players in the making...

Eagles basketball

Newcastle United Foundation have been collaborating with Callerton Academy this term working with Y7. They have been creating a football club focusing on 3 specific elements, Shirt Design, Crest Design and a Stadium Build.

Mr. Wood, Project Officer @NUF has commended the students for some of their fantastic contribution to lessons.

"I couldn't be prouder of this Y7 group this term. They have really put a lot of thought and effort into this project, demonstrating some fantastic teamwork qualities and showing they can defy the odds when they have faced some challenges along the way. It has been a privilege to have such a dedicated group and I cannot wait to see some of the finished products when they are complete."

Mr. Wood will be working through to the end of the academic year, also delivering a Careers Program, focusing on topics such as Skills and Qualities, Sectors and Industries and understanding pathways into jobs, the requirements and potential opportunities available to them in the future.

In addition, Mr. Wood is running two lunchtime clubs, rotating weekly to allow both girls and boys from Y7 and Y8 the opportunity to participate in a 6/7 a side game of football. He is quoted as saying there has been some "Extremely exciting football skills on show".

Newcastle United Foundation