
Callerton Academy's weekly round up - w/c 13th March

Date Published:
Monday 20 March 2023

Year 7s are learning how to play the guitar this term. We have been exploring guitar tabs and aiming to be able to perform "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica by Easter.

Y7 Guitar Lessons

Following our recent year group trips to Dance City, some of our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils were invited to attend a special dance workshop with one of the Dance City choreographers. Amazing effort!

Y7 Dance City Visit
Y8 Dance City

7B examed life in the medieval times through the analysis of artefacts. 

7B Medieval times

Celebrating International Women's day a week on from the 8th March. 8C examined artefacts concerned with Women's Suffrage at the beginning of the 20th century.

8C Votes for Women